Human Spaceflight Mission Analysis and Design (Softback) [Wiley J. Larson and Linda K. Pranke - 1999]
1035 pgs, 1999, McGraw-Hill ISBN 978-0077230289 Complete documentation of the design process for Earth, Moon or Mars based human space systems. A must have volume for anyone who manages, designs or operates systems for human spaceflight.
- An Introduction to Human Spaceflight
- Designing Human Space Missions
- The Space Environment - Hazards and Effects
- Surface Environments
- Physiology of Spaceflight
- Human Factors of Crewed Spaceflight
- Psychology of Spaceflight
- Saftey of Crewed Spaceflight
- Orbital Selection and Astrodynamics
- Entry, Descent, Landing, and Ascent
- Designing and Sizing Space Elements
- Transfer, Entry, Landing, and Ascent Vehicles
- Designing, Sizing, and Integrating a Surface Base
- Planetary Surface Vehicles
- In-situ Resouces
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- Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS)
- Crew Accommodations
- Attitude Determination and Control
- Designing Power Systems
- Structures
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Systems
- Space Robotics
- Propulsion Systems
- Selecting Launch and Transfer Vehicles
- Mission Operations for Crewed Spaceflight
- Command, Control, and Communications Architecture
- Space Logistics Support
- Estimating the Cost of Crewed Space Systems
- International Crewed Missions
- Mars Design Example
Price: $70.00
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